I love Thanksgiving. Why? Because I spend it with my family. S and I love packing the kids up in the car and heading to the South Coast to be with my parents, grandfather, and my aunts and uncles. Been doing it for decades, and it's always been about family. Not sure who I'm giving thanks to, though. Maybe to my family. Maybe it's just expressing deep appreciation through gluttony. Who knows.
Yaaaaay, Comicky Goodness!!!

What's it have to do with Thanksgiving? You'll see...well, they don't have as much to do with it as they are "along for the ride". But I bought these today, the first comics I have bought in God knows how long. I bought The Watchmen graphic novel last month, mostly because it's been 20 years since I read it last and I wanted to get it under my belt again before the movie next year. I tried to get into comics when I was young...I really tried. I told myself I liked the X-Men, Batman, all that stuff. But I was lying. Guess I was just a minor geek.
So as we were out with our kids at a nearby mall early this evening, I noticed a comic store and went in. Had no idea what I was looking for, but I did find something. Ender's Game caught my eye big time. Best science fiction book ever. Bar none. You have another best? You're wrong. Simple enough. Had no idea it was being adapted to a comic, and it turns out that Card himself is overseeing the adaptation in prep for a movie. Supposedly, it's getting great reviews and I can't wait to read it.
Fall of Cthulhu is an all out gamble. I took a flip through an issue, it looked pretty cool, so I bought all the current issues. From the Facebook Page I could confirm what I thought - a Lovecraftian tale concerning the minions of certain "gods" of the mythos going to war with each other. Seems worth a try.
And that center comic...wow. That was a cool find. I remember reading Sgt Rock of Easy Company as a kid, so I had to buy this one. First of six issues in a new series. Now if DC could just get Weird War Tales back in print...or come out with a bound edition reprinting all their issues.
So anyway, after dinner, these comics are all along for the ride back home, when our youngest daughter, O, vacates the contents of her stomach into her lap. Details not necessary; let's just say the combination of fried cheese sticks, ice cream, M&M's and stomach acid was very unpleasant. We thought it might just be that she ate too much, but she's thrown up since then, in bed, and we're pretty sure she has a stomach bug.
So, Thanksgiving on the South Coast is out. I have a 92 y/o grandfather there who just got out of the hospital, he's still getting his strength back, and the last thing one of his great grandkids needs to give to him is a virus. Soooooooo, a rapid trip to the grocery store, and we have what we need for a quiet Thanksgiving at home tomorrow, which is disappointing in some ways, but just fine in others. Hey, I may even get some time to read those new comics.
Happy Thanksgiving.
your blog is very good......
Check out
for a list of tour dates Billy Tucci is doing for the new Sgt. Rock -- I think the NY one is probably closest to you, but might still be far.
Science fiction? Best stuff I ever read was by a guy named Barry B. Longyear. Manifest Destiny, Naked Came the Robot, It Came From Schenectady, very cool stuff. You know him? Manifest Destiny became Enemy Mine, starring Lou Gosset, Jr.
Know the movie of course, but nothing by Longyear. Took a look at his website and it looks interesting. Especially that Infinity Hold trilogy. Haven't picked up and sci-fi in a long time, but that can always change...
I loved "Manifest Destiny" but I can't remember whether I read it before or after I saw the movie. I think Maggie and I read it before.
In any case, Ender's Game is up there with other Sci-Fi faves. Perhaps #1, I don't know. If it isn't #1, it's damn close. I've read nearly every subsequent novel in the Ender series, including the Bean ones, and the Hegemon ones. But none comes close to Ender's Game.
I think Card is a bit loopy, but he wrote an excellent book. For that, I salute him.
Sorry about the illness in your house. Hope she's recovered by now and that it hasn't spread. Seems this sort of thing is a fact of life with children of a certain age. Roll to save. Fortunately, you ahve 4 beautiful children. UNfortunately, you have to roll 4 separate times.
Damn, my reading list is getting longer - forgot about the Bean and Hegemon books.
Interesting note, Ender's Game is on both the Navy and Marine Corps professional reading lists for its lessons in leadership, lateral thinking and tactical innovation. To this day I think it's the only one on the list that I've read ;-)
Yeah, Card took a long leap off the deep end. If you've read any of his opinions in the last few years, you usually end up scratching your head.
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