The games we play are always enjoyable and well-played, but it's really the company and the food that's most enjoyable whenever we do this. It was great to spend the day with friends, old and new, two of whom I don't think I've seen in five years. We completely agreed that we were short exactly one (1) Briwei, though, and schemed on ways to get him back here. But I wouldn't leave San Diego either. I love that place. More than once we asked ourselves "What would Briwei do?" when faced with a serious choice. He's like...the Clausewitz or Sun-Tzu of game day, y'know?
All the important food groups (salt, sugar, fat, booze) were represented as well. James and Julie carpooled up, and brought with them an excellent array of liquid refreshment. James had it going on with a killer Mai Tai concoction that went down waaaaay too easily. Mai Tais rock; and as they are(arguably) from the South Pacific, where a certain city and big, tentacle-headed dude wait under the sea somewhere, I believe they are worth of the Great Old Ones, and do hearby declare James' Mai Tais to also be known as "Great Cthulhu's Nectar". But James said something I'd never heard him say before. Something about "putting too much rum" in a drink or similar blasphemy. He'd better watch what he says.

They also brought a fine array of beers, including one of my all-time favorites, "Arrogant Bastard Ale" by Stone Brewing Company. I wasn't feeling too hoppy yesterday though, so I kept it on the malt-side beer-wise. I did, however, accept and consume the remainder of Julie's "Dog Fish Head Black & Blue" at the end of the day. Great stuff - thanks, Julie!
Bob brought a lasagna that was so freakin' good you couldn't tell it was gluten-free, so I won't even mention that it was gluten-free, except for these two times I just said gluten-free, er...three. I'm done saying it, I promise. ("There is little or no offending material apart from four ****s, one clitoris, and a foreskin. And as they only occur in this opening introduction, you're past them now.") I mean, my kids ate it! I'm not sure Bob understands what a feat it is getting them to eat anything besides Mac & Cheese and Hot Dogs. I made ribs: slow-cooked, dry-rubbed and smoked, BBQ-grilled, but the dry-rubbed ones were unsuccessful...oh well, two out of three. Mrs. Stickthulhu's lemon meringue pie, her first attempt, came out of the oven in tough shape. The custard was entirely too liquid, like some piping hot, lemony shoggoth with a sweet, spongy she buried the dead pie. Deep, deep in the cold depths of the fridge where, after what seemed like strange aeons (but was actually only about 8 hours) the pie arose from it's dreamy death to be devoured by hungry gamers.
It was great seeing everyone, and I can't wait to do it again...quick, Bob and Patti, schedule another one!
Hey, I recognize that odd-looking scrawl. It's for a delicious mai tai recipe.
Thanks so much for your excellent hospitality, and for Bob and Patti organizing and such.
I took some photos, which will probably up on Flickr, but unfortunately I was not careful enough to get good photos of the entire event. I partly blame the rum, but the true cause is my poor photography skills with the snapshot camera I brought.
It was great to get to see Jay, Bill and Lauren who I only ever see at these events. Time spent with all of you folks is time well-spent.
I ate far too much of your excellent spread, enough for two days!
Oh, and a special thanks to Sara, who I wish I'd spent more time talking to. And I wish she wasn't in just my blurrier photos of the event. But I always feel awkward photographing people.
Her efforts on the lemon pie were much appreciated, as we gobbled it up. If she hadn't mentioned struggling with he pie, none would have noticed.
I'm usually an apple pie person, but I gave it two thumbs up.
Tell Mrs. Stickthulu that I know there's an "H" in her name, but the "H" key on my keyboard is broken.
Sounds like a good time was had by all. The spirit of the briwei smiles on your gathering.
We'll have to have another one this summer when I return east. Not sure of the dates yet. We need to iron out a detail or seven first.
Mmmmmmm. Lemon shoggoth!
Yes, we had a blast as well. It was great to see everyone, we even managed to get a couple of games in. Didn't think that 1st one would take quite so long.
Thanks for hosting. We know how much effort it is and appretiate you and Sarah volunteering. Hope it wasn't toom much work to clean up.
I think the most heard phase during the Carcassone game was "what would Brian do (WWBD)". I did my best to channel him but I was either really bad or too good as I came in next to last. The problem, of course, being that Brian wouldn't tell you what he would do.
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