Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yokels Gone Wild...

Aaaah, the local St. Patrick's Day Parade...the Sunday before St. Paddy's Day, it is the quintiessential reason for tens of thousands of people to line the streets, drunk, and scream "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" at anything and everything that walks by. It's such an amazing behavior...

They're just dumber (looking), drunker and have fewer teeth...but hey, they're standing around, with drinks, holding their hands up in any one of several gestures meaning anything from "Number One" to "Hang Loose" to "Sign of the Devil", and they're screaming. So they must be cool.

As it so happens, this year it fell today - the 72nd anniversary of the death of H. P. Lovecraft. Oh, and it's the 2053rd anniversary of Julius Caesar getting stabbed to death. Hmmmmm...Caesar stabbed, Lovecraft of intestinal cancer, the common thread? Massive internal organ damage. I think there's a connection here...but I digress. My point? None, really. I just wanted to do this...

Happy Death Day, Howie...


MRMacrum said...

Odd how we humans celebrate the date of famous people's deaths when that one day probably ranks as one of the worst days of their lives. Just seems kinda backwards.

Chef Cthulhu said...

I know, but with just seems right. He didn't exactly celebrate life, you know.

MRMacrum said...

Yeah, I could have probably picked a better example.